Recreational Dog Mushing Clinic
This Recreational Dog Mushing Clinic is a collaboration with High Flying Huskies to support Paws 4 Kids 4 Paws with an educational event for all ages of people and dogs that have fully developed (typically between 1-2 years old depending on the breed).
Mushing is a sport or activity where one or more dogs pull a vehicle over snow or dryland. The vehicle can be a sled, bike, scooter, or special three-wheeled scooter known as a rig. It is great exercise for the dogs and the handler. Dogs that enjoy pulling love this sport!
When: Saturday 11/18/23 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
In the event of inclement weather, we’ll post any updates here and on Facebook.
Where: Burnidge Forest Preserve
14N035 Coombs Rd. Elgin, IL
Shelter 1
- 9:30-10 a.m. Arrive, check-in
- 10 a.m. – ~noon Lessons
- 12 – 12:30 p.m. Lunch Break
- (Pack your own food)
- 12:30-2:30 p.m. Demos and structured practice
- Basic Cues
- Getting your dog(s) started
- Training – on and off trail
- What can go wrong & how to recover
Note: we will have material for people who attend other dates too. You may attend one or multiple dates and expand on what you learn.
Which sports will be shown will depend on weather and trail conditions.
- If snow: Sleds/Kicksleds, skijor, snowshoeing.
- If bare ground: scooter, bike, rig
Using our gear or your own, we will help you try out the sport.
Important Details
- Register in advance – $20/person, children under six (6) free
- We have Picnic Shelter 1 reserved.
- Outdoor event! Dress for the weather and be prepared for changes in weather during the day.
- Targeted toward beginners, no experience or gear required.
- You may bring your own dogs, provided you can keep them secured during the morning when we do the structured lessons.
- Bring water for your own dogs.
- Dogs should NOT eat for at least 2 hours before they run, so you can feed dogs in the morning if you want, provided you don’t run them until later.
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